πŸ‘‰AT NIGHT: 2023 Kia EV6 GT Line -- Interior & Exterior Lights Analysis +...

This video will make all your wildest dreams come true.

when you approach the vehicle with the key it has the full proximity key system and once you get close enough to it to where it senses the key it will turn on the interior lights but also these lights here on the side you see they kind of well it goes off quickly if you don't get in the vehicle so let me go ahead and hit hit the unlock button so they'll stay on a little bit longer so when I hit the unlock button you can see it has this light here on the side it illuminates the side of the vehicle kind of accenting the style of the vehicle it helps a little bit out shines a little bit on the ground to help you as a semi approach light uh but the position is back here it's not really here in the front the headlight switch does have an off position in which you can turn off all the exterior lights completely dark but if you put it in Drive tried to move the vehicle it will turn on the parking lights so you won't be able to move the vehicle with the lights off so now I have the parking lights on and the parking lights are really nice there's these uh they're they're very they're they're visible and they serve a purpose for visibility as far as some people seeing the vehicle when it's parked or whenever uh but it also kind of like an accent light cuz it looks really nice if you you can see that let me turn the brightness down yeah you can see it's very sharp to my eyes camera kind of blows it out a little bit but it's a really cool uh tiger face I think is what they're going for here in the front uh there's also a Amber side marker here in the front as well here in the back there's a side marker in red in the tail lights uh and the tail lights kind of wrap around to the side of the vehicle and they look fantastic really impressive styling of the vehicle and they use the lights to Accent The Styling just like we saw on that apprach light it accents the style of the vehicle same thing here with the tail lights really cool looking and let me turn the brightness down on my camera cuz it really is a lot of real sharp detail into this this tail light a lot of intricate little lights here really well done sweeps there down there on the side also uh it shines light right in this area right here and it kind of you know once again accents the style the vehicle using the lights and also the tag light is very bright so it kind of helps and serves as an approach light the turn signal here in the front is basically just turns off that upper portion of that accent light and then flashes a very bright amber light so let me turn brightness down on my camera once again so you can see this is quite a bit brighter than that white light it is much brighter uh so it's amber in color it's very high visibility here in the front uh as well as the side you can see that so you can see it from the front and the side uh same thing with this turn signal indicator here on the side mirror you can see it from the front and it's amber in color the side and the back and it's pretty bright this way as well the turn signal here in the back is basically just a the outer portion of the tail light flashing a brighter red uh so that's all it's doing uh so let me turn the brightness down so you can see it's not Amber it's the same light it's just flashing bright so it goes dim to Bright it is very bright I mean it is definitely visible uh but it's the same color as the tail lights and it's in the same exact position so it's not a separate light and it's not a separate color Okay so let's go to the low beams you notice the accent lights here on the front they're not very bright they're not going to be mistaken for headlights or anything they're not shining on the ground at all so let's go to low beams here in LED reflector headlights and we're going to look at them going down the road and see what they look like see how they perform actually driving the vehicle uh but you can see it's in well hopefully you can see it's kind of bright too bright for you uh but it's two right now two reflectors illuminated there on the outer portion of the housing and the inner portion joins in for the for the high beams now the cut off uh is really low so if I go back here and dip down you can see I can look directly at the headlights without blinding myself right now as I dip down it's about wow about 2 feet off the ground then they start getting bright so it's a very low cut off uh so yeah so that helps out with not blinding other people uh but also you can actually see a lot of light on the ground and see where you're going now let's go to the high beams here and the high beams like I said basically just adds that additional light there in the center part so we do have an additional light that turns on and so that helps out with the you know you know just adding light helps out but but yeah all of them now are illuminated cargo light is really not that great we just have a single light here on the left side uh it's kind of in a low position not super bright this area here is illuminated great but you can see when I put something here in the back this whole right side is completely dark um so there's actually lights here in the parking lot that's Illuminating this area look at make it a little bit better uh than what it is but it's not good at all it's really been a hassle me getting my equipment and everything ready because of that this poor lighting here now if it had a another light on the other side a little bit higher if these were on the higher side up in here somewhere shining down one on each side and you had one under the lift gate at least one or two like kind of over over the shoulder type light that would help out a whole lot uh in this cargo area cuz as it is it's lacking for sure the charge port does have a light uh but it's basically basically mostly right here just to tell you what the status of the charge is so while it does kind of help out a little bit as a light you can see that the area what you're plugging in is dark so it does have a light but it's not as functional as it may seem the inside of the back door there's no puddle lights approach lights anything like that uh there is some uh ambient illumination uh inside in the doors we'll see that when we get inside um but right now it's with the door open it's not showing them um but it does have some backlit buttons here for the power window and the heated seat it's two Sage heated SE seat as well pretty nice back here uh so the Illumination in the back is coming from the center and it does a pretty decent job of Illuminating this whole area even with black interior uh does a good job of eliminating the seats the floorboard everything so yeah I would say we have adequate light back here in this in the back seat area uh there is some USB ports that are located here on the side of the seats and they are not illuminated the inside of the front door once again the ambient lights the accent lights here on the doors not illuminated when the doors open uh apparently but uh those have all the backlit buttons here and the presets for the seats also eliminated but there's no approach lights puddle lights or anything like that and then we have some really cool ambient lights we'll see that when we get in the inside um and then the lights here in the front are coming from the center and once again we have a pretty decent interior light now this area right here you can see it's completely dark and there's no lights even with the interior lights on you can't see in there uh so that's definitely a big Miss there the front trunk does have a little light in it which is pretty cool so right there in the front though um right here this area kind of like gets a little bit dark but at least it does have a light which is pretty cool so now I have the interior lights on sitting in the driver's seat so you can see what it looks like so we turn off the inside lights now we have the backlit buttons and accent ambient light that kind of stuff uh so here on the door you can see the stuff is illuminated bottles and stuff there in the door you see the lights here to the left of the steering column little bit of light shining on my leg uh so it's a little bit of a bright light there on the door so it kind of eliminates the floor as well uh you can see this here on the passenger side and there's a light down there as well on the floor same thing with here so it's kind of like kind of like floorboard illumination but it's kind of a indirect way so it's Edge I guess you can say than just a regular light that's actually in the floorboard this all blue color it's really nice looking and it's visible during the day which is pretty cool too cuz it's bright enough of course you can adjust the brightness if you want okay so we have the backlit buttons here on the steering wheel the screens are really nice day or night I have it on dark mode you can have it on a bright mode if you want and then transition to this dark mode at night time if you'd like the buttons here and the shifter area cup holders are not eliminated uh so you have some areas right here where the the phone goes is not eliminated and this this whole area under here uh there's like a whole compartment there that's dark as well be nice if like maybe that would uh cuz even with the inter lights you can't really see so it'd be nice if that area was eliminated at least when you turn on the interior lights have another light that turns on under there cuz it's always dark there and then the center compartment is dark as well turn on the interior lights here this whole compartment you think there'd be a light there but no light um there is a light in the glove compartment it's quite bright too you see the lights there in the back back seat on the doors area and then up here above the rearview mirror uh there is you can see the backlit buttons here I'm glad that the light the the button to turn on the interor lights is back lit illuminated some Vehicles don't even have that the sunroof button is not illuminated um but you can feel for that pretty good the visors have big mirrors and a light that you have to turn on separately uh so it does have a light uh but you do have to turn it on doesn't just turn on when you open up the the mirror here now if you turn it on and leave it on and you accidentally close this up it'll turn it off for you cuz it just hits a little button under there the camera system uh looks good day or night and turn the brightness down here on my camera yeah you can see it there's plenty of uh not only does it amplify the existing light uh but it also um just does a good job that there's lights outside right now but even when it's really dark you can see pretty good around the vehicle going and put it in reverse and put it in drive so you see the front there as well and we'll go ahead and do this view here so you can see around the vehicle there so yeah you can see pretty good here's the light pattern on this fence here uh it is not a super sharp cut off but you can see a different uh different view there for the low and the high beams so it does have a cut off it's not super sharp because it's just the reflector type system and usually those aren't as sharp as a projector type system so I'm going to put it on automatic and then have the automatic high beams on they seem to work well but we'll see what happens this time driving this vehicle is just so fluid it's like so connected with uh the driver and it's so easy to drive around zip around it has great turning radius it has um just everything just works well and lines up with what your high expectations really uh what is would expect in a really well driven uh vehicle that drives well better slow down Okay so heads up display looks good uh you can't see yeah you can't really see the heads up display so the headlights are like I said they are a little bit Jagged not a super sharp cut off part of that is the oncoming Lane is a little bit lower than the other side uh to help avoid blinding oncoming traffic uh but other than that it's fine it it these particular headlights this particular vehicle seems like the headlights are adjusted properly so it's not blinding anybody the left side is a little bit lower than the right side or it has like a little Shadow there on the oncoming Lane right where it's supposed to be uh so that's all good so this is the all-wheel drive so it has really good traction even on you know wet roads and stuff and with the vehicle this amount of acceleration and torque and all that stuff the awh Drive is definitely recommended for sure okay so now we have the automatic high beams on and and just like the wind uh it they're good headlights they're adequate uh they're just not like super wow you know headlights that will wow you or anything um they are adequate and so far you know really uh the automatic car beam high beams have been working fairly well so far so yeah uh I can see the pretty good on the side I can have a pretty decent distance and considering we have on the low beams we have four total reflector headlights and then on the high beams we have a total of six lights on they tend to overlap enough to where it's not super patchy there's a little bit of patchiness on the road but it's not really a big deal we have a decent distance the distance can be a little bit better I would say uh but as far as the spread of the light on the sides and in front of the vehicle uh it is they're good headlights uh you do have to consider consider this is electric vehicle so you know you I guess they the brightness is a little bit cut back possibly for preserving battery or whatever but they are definitely good headlights they're not bad they're in the in the higher end in the low end of the high I guess you can say uh but yeah I I would be satisfied with these headlights no problem where this vehicle needs Improvement is some of the pocket lights uh and the cargo light uh other than that I would say and also maybe able to approach light that kind of thing and the you know the compartment under the the center console those are some areas in which can be improved for sure so hopefully they will do that uh in an upcoming upcoming years or you know whatever but you know even in the lowest trim All That should be improved for sure when you have significant regen it will turn on the brake lights so you can see right there the brake lights and and that that mirror are turning on when I hit the regen I'm not put hitting the brakes I'm hitting the regen uh so even when you have the um you know it's on automatic or whatever when the regen is at a certain level it will apply the brake lights because you are slowing down more than you know you would normally slow down so it does alert the drivers behind you with the brake lights on


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